Frankenslaves #1: Rebirth

Frankenslaves #2: Return

Frankenslaves #3: Recall

This story unfolded during another trip home from Indiana. As the corn and the trucks and the windmills swept passed, a John Mellencamp playlist played for maybe the hundredth time. Song after song after song of genius story telling through his music and midwestern poetry blended with the landscape … and the characters and setting emerged. John Mellencamp’s music weaves the uplifting, the injustice, the anger, the melancholic, and the passionate. You’re wrapped in a auditory blanket of midwest empathy for Jackie Brown, Martha, and the old man on the bus, and the stories become all too real.

Whether it was to get into a mood for writing, or to interpret the story of Jack and Diane to bring them into the future of Indiana, John Mellencamp’s songs inspired this comic as much as the fields of Indiana corn, Frank Miller’s Batman, and of course Mary Shelly’s monster.

Please listen to his music as you read this series.

Frankenslaves #1 Soundtrack

Frankenslaves #2 Soundtrack

Frankenslaves #3 Soundtrack

Frankenslaves #4 Soundtrack